Monday, November 12, 2007

Some new thinking on water

How about some new thinking on water? Fact One: We haven’t lost any water on Earth. It can’t escape. We’ve got the same amount in the world today as we did in the good old days. It’s just moved spomewhere else. So we’ve got the option of moving to where there is a lot of it, or paying billions to bring it to us. Fact Two: If water was money, we would have thousands of experts studying it and whole television shows devoted to it. Well, water is more precious than money. Government still thinks money is more important. Fact Three: We have enough water to do the things we want. We just don’t use it well. For instance, we flush our toilets and water our plants with fresh, sweet drinking water. Fact Four: We also have enough water for agriculture, if we change our ways. Peter Andrews discovered the secret: slow the water down in the landscape and give it time to do its work with plants. Carbon Farmers also slow the water down by giving the rain some rootmass to soak into out in the paddock instead of presenting it with bare earth, so that it runs off rapidly, carrying the soil with it. Fact Five: A farm that captures and uses water can create a ‘microclimate’ that is cooler and attract more rainfall. Fact Six: A prize of $500m should be offered for the inventor who solves our water problems. Read more:

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